Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sirius Pups Strike Back

Sirius Pups Band Together

It comes as no surprise to me that those associated with Sirius Pups have banded together and are working hard to discredit this blog. I knew this was going to happen, and to be fair, I don't really blame them, at least not the pups involved. I've been in a similar position to them in the past, and looked at Jyan with adoring eyes and ignored the little hints at the person he really is. The interesting thing is that PupBoss isn't saying a word about this blog, it's his "pups" that are coming to his defence.

What Sirius Pups Are Saying

The primary reaction is that I'm jealous of what they have, and that I'm talking rubbish. I find this laughable coming from some people who have only known PupBoss for as little as 4 months, never met him, or ever spent any appreciable time with him. They are trying to say that his ex partner of 5 years knows less about PupBoss than they do. That's fine, because at the end of the day he has them wrapped around his little finger and will continue to believe his bullshit until they finally see through it themselves.

A Sirius Pup Accusation

One of the other laughable accusations that has been made was that I tried to cheat on Jyan 3 years ago with Pup RedDevil using Growlr and Bearwww. Let's straighten a few things out here. First off, I have no idea who Pup RedDevil is, but that is beside the point. Early in Jyan and my relationship I deleted my profile and Bearwww and Bear411. I did this because Jyan was unhappy that I was using those applications to keep in contact with friends. I was fine with it, and told my friends I would keep contact on facebook. I remained off those applications for the rest of our relationship, only reactivating them once Jyan and I were through. It was then, and only then, that I started using Growlr.

Anybody who knows me would know how I feel about monogamy, and these claims from Pup RedDevil are just desperate lies thrown to draw attention away from Jyan. Again, I cannot blame these people from trying to protect him, but they are truly misguided in their actions, and only hope that in time they will come to see him for who he truly is.

A Reply To Sirius Pups

To make things clear to the pups in the Sirius Pups group; I have nothing against you. You want to indulge in pup play, be my guest. In fact, more power to you. It is not YOU that this blog is addressed to. If you have anything to say to me, don't be a coward and hide behind facebook and post on profiles that have blocked me. Reply right here to this blog, and make your accusations. I'm happy to address them.

This blog is designed to reveal the truth behind the handler and trainer at Sirius Pups; a man who presents himself as one thing, but is in fact the exact opposite. An egomaniac, narcissistic, self indulgent hedonist who is only interested in his own pleasure at the expense (and pain) of others.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sirius Pups, A Deception

Why I Dislike Sirius Pups

This is something that I've been asked on a few occasions, and in principle I don't dislike the concept of Sirius Pups, or the organizer of that group, PupBoss. What I do dislike, and actively so, is the method that he uses to deceive people into believe that he is a good person and that Sirius Pups is a good place for them to be.

This blog has already begun to cause an uproar in the ranks of Sirius Pups, with many pups rushing to Jyan's aid. Of course, this was to be expected, but I must ask, have those how deny what I'm saying known Jyan for as long as I have?

My Time With PupBoss And Sirius Pups

 I was Jyan's partner for almost 5 years. In that time I have seen Jyan in all his guises; from a caring and loving partner, a cruel and nasty manipulator, and even to a partner abuser. I learned in our time together that Jyan is only interested in one person; himself. He hides this desire by appearing to be kindhearted to others, but he only does this to further his own agenda in achieving his own desires. Jyan will lie and manipulate to garner what he desires with no regard to what the cost will be to others. I have seen this occur time and time again with so many people I have lost count.

We are talking about a man who has driven others to seek professional psychological care, a man who has lied to my face about not cheating, a man who has turned good friends against me, and who initiated sexual encounters with people who I called close friends while I was in another room fully trusting that nothing untoward was going on.

I have seen people who I consider to be smart and educated fawn over this man and treat him like a deity. Some go so far to actually believe that Jyan can do and say no wrong. The manipulation and deceit is obvious to any outside willing to look, but when you are caught in his web of deceit, it is almost impossible to see.

Sirius Pups began approximately 2 years ago with my blessing. Jyan and I had discussed the formation of the pack, and he insisted that he wanted to do this as his own project; something that he could do for himself. We agreed on rules within the pack, primarily that it would be a training exercise and that there would be no sex involved. I learned later that sex was involved right from the start. He was lying to me right from the beginning and continued to lie about it throughout our remaining time together.

How My Relationship With Sirius Pups and PupBoss Ended

 To cut a long story short, our relationship ended when Jyan hit on a friend of mine and my friend brought my attention to it. Jyan had no idea that I knew this person, so when I confronted him about it, he told me it was a misunderstanding. I wanted to believe Jyan, so I accepted his response. While telling my friend he must have been mistaken, Jyan contacted him again and told him that I was monogamous but he was discrete. I had no further option to accept the truth; Jyan was cheating on me. When confronted a second time, Jyan denied it again. It was only when I showed him the evidence that he admitted that he didn't want to be in a monogamous relationship. Not that he had cheated, not that he had lied, not that he had manipulated, only that he wanted to have sex with others.

I am not adverse to an open relationship. What I am adverse to is dishonesty. This was not the first time that Jyan had been dishonest with me in our relationship, but it was going to be the last. While I said the words that it was over, Jyan knew very well that his actions had ended our relationship long before I had opened my mouth.

This is the honourable and good man that the Sirius Pup pack is defending. If this is how this man treated his partner, a man he professed to love, then how is he likely to treat those that are not as close to him? Do not be deceived by his smooth words and apparent acts of charity. Do not think that anything he does is out of the goodness of his heart. EVERYTHING he does is for his own benefit to the detriment of everyone around him.

An Offer to the Sirius Pup Pack

To anyone involved with Sirius Pups, I make you an offer. Feel free to comment on this blog. Open a discussion with me, the man who knows PupBoss better than you. If you have the guts, and want to know the truth, comment on this blog, and I will have an open discussion with you. Be warned, you won't like what you will read, but I will not hold back anything. The purpose of this blog is to finally expose a man who has gotten away with hurting too many people for far too long. It is time that he actions are brought to light and that people learn the truth that has been hidden for so long.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Sirius Pups, the truth

Who Are Sirius Pups

Sirius Pups is a human pup pack in Sydney Australia run by Jyan Craig Delemotte, otherwise known as PupBoss. The pack is located in the suburb of Marrickville, and has been running for approximately 2 years. In that time they have created quite an impression for themselves both locally and internationally, with promises of providing pup and handler training either in person or via the internet.

My Relationship with Sirius Pups

I was Jyan's partner for almost 5 years. He began Sirius Pups with my blessing approximately 3 1/2 years into our relationship, with the acknowledgement that it would be purely a training group, with no sexual contact involved. I learned approximately a year later that there was in fact lots of sexual contact involved, with my ex partner initiating the majority of it. This cam as quite a blow to me, as for as far as I was concerned we where a monogamous couple. I was soon to learn that he was having encounters outside of the pup pack as well.

Considering my close relationship with Jyan, I have a rather intimate understanding of who he is, how Sirius Pups works, and to what extent this man is bullshitting everyone who comes near him to get from them what he wants.

What Qualifications does PupBoss and Sirius Pups have?

In a word, none. Jyan (Pupboss) studied psychology at university 20 years ago, but never graduated. Regardless, he considers himself to be an expert on human and dog psychology, and uses his outdated and dangerous techniques in all aspects of his life.

Jyan has NO training in regards to human pup handling, bar what he has read in a few books (which he disagrees with). He promises to be an attentive handler, and to provide loving and caring handling. He in fact does very little of that. Once he has acquired the interest of a pup, he will spend quite some time with them, only to shortly after lose interest, giving them less and less time. He will demand total obedience and loyalty, while he himself gives neither. He will insist that all things that occur in the pup pack remain in the pup pack, even to the extent of keeping secrets from a pup's partner, if he has one. Finally, he will attempt to destroy a pup's relationship with a partner so as to maintain more control over them.

I have seen Jyan destroy 2 relationships through Sirius Pups, and know that he has tried to destroy at least 2 others. Fortunately, the last 2 were strong enough to resist him and are no longer members of Sirius Pups.

What Does Sirius Pups Offer?

Sirius Pups presents itself as a pup training organization, providing a safe place for pups to experience and learn about human pup space. This front is very well organized, even to the point of running a comprehensive website with training "levels" and awards. The truth of the matter is, Jyan has no idea what he is doing. His primary interest is attracting pups for sex, not handling. He uses manipulative methods to achieve his goals, often to the detriment of the people he is dealing with. Already 2 ex pups have needed to seek professional psychiatric care due to his mind games, and I'm sure there will be many others.

Sirius Pups also offers something called Pup Camp. This is really a thinly disguised weekend away where Jyan can have sex with his pups as he chooses, along with degradation, bullying, manipulation, and dangerous mind games. He tells that he pays for this camp out of his own pocket, only for pups to learn when they arrive that they in fact have to pay for the camp themselves. This is just one example of Jyan's manipulative methods to achieve his desires.

It should be noted here, that Jyan is not a fan of condoms, and has had bareback sex many times. He will not reveal this to his sexual partners, exposing them to the risk of contracting any number of sexually transmitted diseases.

What do I Have Against Sirius Pups

In all good faith, I cannot allow what is occurring within Sirius Pups to go on without making some effort to alert potential pups what it is they are exactly getting themselves involved in. some may see it as an angry blow by a bitter ex, and be that as it may, I'm will to accept that to get this information out as far as possible. 

This blog has been designed to expose Sirius Pups for what it truly is, and I will endeavor to to precisely that with every post.